
Animal Liberation/environmental activist, Public Speaker, Vegan/Plant-Based consultant, Event producer


Ray Ippolito has been a tireless change maker in local/national politics, environmental advocacy, foster care, Tibetan refugee/monastic support, and has been working in the Animal Liberation movement since 1999 and has a deep commitment to connect, educate and inspire people of all ages. Ray has participated and created countless protests/demonstrations/rescue/educational actions opposing international circuses, slaughterhouses, fur stores, pet stores, aquariums, zoos, parades, and other mediums that exploit and normalize the suffering of animals. He has served on the Board of Directors and been the Director of Strategic Partnerships and Advocacy for Catskill Animal Sanctuary, served on the Board of Directors for Animal Connection, lobbied on Capitol Hill, been an invited speaker/keynote speaker at many schools/universities/colleges, been a featured speaker at the Peoples Climate March, Ethical Culture Society, Omega Institute, Jane Unchained, Climate Healers, Yoga is Vegan podcast, many Veg Fests and other notable institutions.

In an effort to empower other animal liberation organizations, Ray has produced numerous high level fund raisers for international Animal Rights orgs/Tibetan Refugee/Environmental orgs, A List film/panel discussions, Vegan festivals, large scale volunteer events, many high level corporate/philanthropic partnerships and "Veganized" 28 businesses/farmers markets in the NYC/NJ metropolitan area. 

He has been instrumental in removing dairy from one of the worlds largest food for hunger programs in Bombay India, organized and participated in many events leading to his county and state, Bergen County NJ, to be the first to remove live animal circuses in the USA, and created bold global initiatives to bring education and awareness to environmental and animal rights issues.

At the beginning of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, Ray co-created and served as the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Big Love!(featured in Forbes), a Vegan food for first responder program that fed 4,000 meals to frontline nurses and doctors at 7 hospitals in NYC. He also created the global initiative, International Pandemic Outreach Day: One World One Day One Action, that inspired over 60 Animal Rights, Environmental, Conservation and Religious/Spiritual organizations in over 60 cities in 21 countries to take a unified stand to urgently share the relationship between our global broken animal based food system and the genesis of most of the major pandemics.

Ray is a committed Animal Liberation activist and is always available to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable.


The Dream and the Team

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you regarding any requests for Public Speaking, Event Production, Vegan Business Consultation and Activism.

